Agora University of Oradea (AUO) is a higher education institution of private law and public utility, founded in 2000 by Agora Foundation, accredited by ARACIS in 2010 and validated by the Romanian Parliament by Law 59/2012, as a part of national system of higher education in Romania.
The university has in its structure 2 faculties: the Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences organizing 3 Bachelor degrees (Law, Local Police, Public Administration), 1 Master degrees (Criminal and Forensic Sciences) and the Faculty of Economic Sciences organizing 2 Bachelor degrees (Accounting and Information Systems, Management), 2 Master degrees (Human Resources Management, Public Organizations Management).
Although young and small, Agora University of Oradea is extremely dynamic and active: instead of a quantitative development it prefers a qualitative development. AUO was characterized by EUA-IEP team (2014) as "an entrepreneurial university",
Agora University of Oradea have some performance: 9 research centers (two international), a publishing house editing 3 international scientific journals in English language (one of which is indexed in ISI Web of Science), 4 international conferences in English.