Amir Sarajlic is an expert in TVET and Labour Market with significant experience in a wide range of topics such as (Qualification Framework, Development of occupational standards, qualifications, Recognition of Prior Learning, Adult Education, Capacity Building, VET Policy and legal framework, employment and employment policies, Public-Private Partnerships, private sector development, experience with USAID and EU donor projects). Amir has extensive experience in working with local authorities, private sector, local and international donor organization. He currently works on ENOVA Reform of VET system in Canton Sarajevo project as VET Key Expert. Amir was involved in different VET projects and economic growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in different long and short term assignments in the region.
Specialities: TVET, Policy and strategy for TVET and Adult Education, Entrepreneurial Learning, Higher Education, Labour Market, Adult Education, Recognition of Prior Learning, Qualification Framework, Occupational standards, Qualification standards, Quality assurance in TVET and Adult Education, Project proposal writing, Adult Education, Advocacy, Project Management, Business Enabling Environment.
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken: