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Eleutherius Michaelides

Member profile title: Eleutherius Michaelides
Role(s) in Skillman Network: Official MemberOfficial Member
Address: Madrid, Madrid, Calle Dehesa Vieja
Contact person: Picture of Eleutherius MichaelidesEleutherius Michaelides
ELCOM IMAGEN INDUSTRIAL is the evolution of a long-standing family tradition adapted to 21st global market needs. The company is a postproduction and VFX technical company of industrial character and manages the worldwide rights of its own portfolio of films. The company features very clear lines of business related to R & D & I: -MEDIA RESEARCH-VISUAL COMPUTING-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE- MACHINE LEARNING. It manufactures most of the products associated with the ancillary markets.(non-theatrical markets for feature films, like home video, television, Pay Per View, VOD, Internet streaming, airlines and merchandising products).
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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