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Rame Likaj

Member profile title: Rame Likaj
Membership: Person, Gold
Address: Balkan, Pristina, Kodra e Diellit, Puhiza 4/19 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo
Contact person: Picture of Rame LikajRame Likaj

Prof.Dr. Ramë Likaj,
Born on March 24, 1971, in Deçan, Kosovo.
He completed his primary and secondary education in Deçan with excellent results, while his university
studies, masters and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of
Prishtina. For his distinguished success in studies, he won the price Distinguished Student scholarship. He is
married and has two children.
For 29 years, he has been teaching at the Mechanics Department of the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, at the University of Prishtina. He has published over 100 scientific papers and 20 university
texts and dispensaries, as well as dozens of research papers and reports in the field of education.
During his academic career he has completed several specializations in the field of vocational, education
and training in Germany, Italy, Austria, Croatia, etc., and has participated and represented Kosovo in
many international conferences.
Since 1999 he has worked on international projects related to the field of education and vocational
training for organizations such as: European Commission, European Training Foundation, GIZ,
LuxDevelopment, KfW, WUS Austria, Kulturkontakt, in Kosovo&Albania and Balkan Region, etc.
During his career he has served as:

• Minister of Education, Science and Technology

• Chairman of the Board of the University Haxhi Zeka in Peja (2015-2016)

• Chairman of the Council for Vocational Education and Training (2015),
• Coordinator of the Republic of Kosovo for PISA 2016 evaluation,
• Kosovo Coordinator for the Turin Process (2015-2016),
• MEST Coordinator for VET for the Evaluation of the Strategic Education Plan 2011-2016,
• MEST Coordinator for VET for the Development of the Strategic Education Plan 2017-2021,
• He is a member of the Senate of the University of Prishtina Hasan Prishtina;,
• Southeast European Network for Teacher Training and Vocational Education and Training Coaches, in
Turin, Italy since 2003,
• Working group for drafting the Government Development Plan 2017-2021, Pillar IV, Human Resources,
• Council for Vocational Education and Training for two terms, MEST 2006-2017,
• Member and Chair of Expert Panels on Validation of Qualifications and Accreditation of Institutions,
National Qualifications Authority.

Voluntary work:
Adviser to the Minister of Education, Science and Technology (2015-2017).
Adviser for Education to the Prime Minister of Kosovo (2018-2019).

Roster DB information
Mobility options: Sending organisation
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): Yes
Languages spoken: Albanian / Shqip ‎(sq)‎, Croatian / Hrvatski ‎(hr)‎, English ‎(en)‎, Serbian (Latin) / Srpski ‎(sr_lt)‎

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