Sllavka Kurti, Assoc. Prof. PhD
Sllavka Kurti is an academic and researcher at the Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Albania. She teaches various subjects, including Management, Human Resource Management, Public Policy Evaluation, and European Public Administration.
She has actively participated in international projects, such as INTERBA and Jean Monnet initiatives, focusing on internationalization and EU integration. As a national expert, Dr. Kurti has collaborated with organizations like the European Council, World Bank, and GIZ on public administration reforms and inclusive economic development. Dr. Kurti also brings significant expertise in EU Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) projects, particularly in reforming vocational education and training (VET) systems. Her contributions include fostering effective labor market policies, improving VET governance, aligning national frameworks with EU standards, drafting legal frameworks, developing HR management models, and delivering training to policymakers and VET professionals.