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SIF 2024

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Pablo Jose Garcia Sempere

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SIF 2024
Driving Excellence in Education and Valuing Craftsmanship at SIF 2024:
To explore the future of education, vocational training, employment, and the transformative shifts shaping lifelong learning and the society we strive to create, the 10th edition of the Skillman International Forum (SIF) 2024 took place on December 11 and 12, 2024, in Montecatini Terme, Italy. The Forum is an international gathering organized by the Skillman network, which spans 95 countries. It is designed and managed in collaboration with the European Training Foundation and other key partners, including Artex, the Tuscan Center for Craftsmanship Development in Florence. The 2024 Forum focused on key principles and strategic directions, including: - Ethical Values and Social Competencies: Emphasizing the role of education in fostering active citizenship alongside workforce development. This includes building on early successes, such as raising awareness about the green transition among children, and extending these efforts to areas like gender equality. - Key Competences for Lifelong Learning Inclusiveness: Ensuring students acquire the skills needed to actively participate in lifelong learning, fostering greater inclusivity. - Flexibility in Education Systems: Reviewing the business models of universities, centres of excellence, and schools to make lifelong learning a reality. This includes integrating craft training and diversifying learning pathways, such as apprenticeship programmes in higher education. - Leadership in Education Reform: Recognizing the importance of leadership as a critical trait for stakeholders involved in designing and implementing educational reforms. - Advanced Manufacturing Skills for Traditional Craftsmanship: Bridging the gap between advanced manufacturing techniques and traditional craftsmanship expertise. ***** PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS The Forum spanned two intensive days, featuring presentations, pitches, roundtables, workshops, and a co-design process aimed at fostering excellence and equipping learners with digital credentials. We are committed to creating a better society, and we invite institutions and individuals to join us in this mission. **SIF 2024 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME** ***KEYNOTE SPEAKERS*** - Sungsup Ra: Former Deputy Director General at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and current Visiting Professor at the KDI School of Public Policy and Management in Korea. Advisor to the International Financing Facility for Education (IFFEd), Advisory Board Member at the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT), and Industry Fellow at the NTU Entrepreneurship Academy (NTUpreneur). - Floriana Folisi: Knowledge Hub Department, Human Capital Development expert, ETF - European Training FoundationTracks4Crafts @ SIF 2024 attendance list Day#1 - Massimo Temussi: Director General of Active Labor Policies, Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies - Craig Marsh: Executive Dean, Faculty of Business Law and Criminology, Liverpool Hope University **DECEMBER 11** ***MORNING*** Chair: Filippo Del Ninno, ETF 09.00 | Registration desk opening 09.20 | Natalia MARTINEZ PARAMO, Head of Unit SMP/SME Pillar, Internal Market and Support to Standardisation, European Union 09.30 | Mayor of the Municipality of Montecatini Terme 09.45 | Tuscany Region President (invited) 10.00 | Giovanni Crisonà, Skillman President - Conference Opening 10.15 | Urs Hauenstein, Liverpool Hope University - Riga 2023 Declaration Principles via Hope Festival of Futures (HFF) 10.30 | Massimo Temussi, Director General of Active Labor Policies, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 10.45 | Thomas Werner Schröder, UNESCO Chair on TVET and Competence Development for the Future of Work Technical University Dortmund - TVET: Theoretical positioning and perspectives for development and research 11.00 | Floriana Folisi, Knowledge Hub Department, Human Capital Development expert, ETF - European Training Foundation 11.15 | Elisa Guidi, Director, Artex 11.30 | Laura Evangelista and Concetta Fonzo, EQAVET Italian National Reference Point Coordinators 11.45 | Paolo Sospiro, Polytechnic University of Marche 12.00 | Sungsup Ra, KDI School of Public Policy and Management Korea 12.20 | Group picture 12.30 | NETWORKING SESSION 13.00 | Light Lunch ***AFTERNOON*** Chair: Valentina De Vico, Skillman Secretariat 15.00 | Giovanni Crisonà - Presentation of the Skillman Villa initiative (intro Workshops) **2 PARALLEL SESSIONS** - Exploring the Medici Villa: History and Local Heritage Connections 15.40 | Bus transportation 16.00 | Guided visit to the Medici villa and farm 17.00 | Bus transportation Massimiliano Costantini, Travel Guide - Escape2EU: An educational escape game telling "A story of integration" (Two 45-minute game sessions) 15.30 | ROUND 1 16.15 | ROUND 2 Jonathan Migliori, Niccolò Fratini, Ottavia Napoli will lead the game - Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile. The experienced mentors will take part to the game: Grazia Chiarini - LUA Libera Università Autobiografia Anghiari Maria Pia Urbani - SIMEN Società Italiana di Medicina Narrativa Elhadji Amadou DIA, Abdou Lettif Sall - COSSAN Comunità Senegalese di Santa Croce sull'Arno ***SOCIAL DINNER*** 20.30 | Social Dinner @ La Cascina restaurant, Viale G. Verdi, 43 51016 Montecatini Terme (PT) +39057278474 **DECEMBER 12** ***MORNING*** Chair: Elisa Guidi, Artex 08.45 | Craig Marsh, Liverpool Hope University - International executive training in the Skillman villa 09.00 | Stefania Capogna, UNILINK - D-challengHE: HE working tools of the Skillman Villa 09.15 | Gunnar Binda, Berufliche Schule ITECH Elbinsel Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg - Driving Territorial Innovation through TVET: the Initiative 09.30 | Ilze Brante, Ogre Technical School Riga - TVET key models for innovation and training at the Skillman Villa 09.45 | Elena Nanni, MIP Firenze - Incubator principles and solutions for the Skillman Villa 10.00 | Giovanni Crisonà - Blockchain applications 10.15 | Nicola Camurri - Strategy Director, ETT s.p.a. **PARALLEL WORKSHOPS** - Incubators | Elena Nanni, Murate Idea Park - Mobility for skills | Francesco Molinari, Europass Berlin; Valentina De Vico, Italymobility; Artur Benedyktowicz, EISMEA; Luca Guardincerri and Fadia Khraisat, EM Consortium - Coves - Driving Territorial Innovation through TVET | Gunnar Binda, Martina Campigli, Francesca Bagni - The REVERS-ED Trends on educational inequalities over time and successful interventions that contribute to reverse them | Tiziana Chiappelli, University of Florence - The university's role in social and territorial innovation | Craig Marsh, Paolo Sospiro, Stefania Capogna, Maria Chiara De Angelis - Creative Industries | Elisa Guidi, André Nouruzi-Pur - developments | Urs Hauenstein, Alessandro Martella, Giovanni Crisonà - Smart Energy Solutions for a sustainable future | Sara Caboni, Kylene De Angelis, Elmo De Angelis 11.30 | Coffee break 11.50 | Follow-up - Michele Biasutti 13.00 | Light Lunch ***AFTERNOON*** Chair: Urs Hauenstein, Liverpool Hope University 14.30 | Skillman Open Board-meeting - Jeff Griffiths - Skillman Canadian strategy - Ideas for other national committees and initiatives 15.30 | Simona De Caro, Major of the Municipality of Monsummano Terme - Greetings 15.40 | Filippo Del Ninno, ETF - Skillman 2024 Montecatini Terme Declaration highlights 17.00 | Concert by Emiliano degli Innocenti, voice and guitar **MOU SIGNINGS AND AWARDS CEREMONY** - Giovanni Crisonà, Skillman President - Craig Marsh, Liverpool Hope University - Simona De Caro, Municipality of Monsummano Terme IMY Awards | Riga Arts and Media Academy students Host Entrepreneurs T4C Video Contest - Chloe Piraud, Founder of Trame, Geneva - Carolina Becker, Onl'Fait Fab Lab, Geneva European citizenship, social cohesion and sustainability - NEUSkills, EcoXplorer, EUConsumer, EU4YOUTH2ACT - Francesca Bagni, Sergio Brunetti, Martina Campigli, Niccolò Fratini, Pamela Mastripieri, Jonathan Migliori, Ottavia Napoli, Carlo Panchetti, Luca Scarselli, Benedetto Tuci, Maria Pia Urbani, Samuele Zerbini Innovation and entrepreneurial learning support - Guya Berti **BOOTH PRESENTATIONS** ***Test your cybersecurity skills*** - AICA: The Italian Association for Information Technology and Automatic Calculation introduced its cybersecurity skills assessment. - Students and professionals tested their skills, revealing surprising results. ***ETT: An International Digital and Creative Industry*** - ETT is a general contractor for turnkey experiential communications installations and complex information systems. - Headquartered in Genoa, ETT specializes in managing Italian digital cultural heritage and smart city systems.
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Skillman International Forum 2024
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