Sector Skills Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector
This platform enables educational providers with curricula, certifications, job requirements and Open Educational Resources or link to external sources.
The platform allows to navigate through three different pathways:
The core content of the platform is represented by the UOL - Units of Learning that are combined to compose a curricula, a job role or a certification.
The e-Learning is structured reflecting the modular approach adopted by the joint European curricula allowing the educational providers to define Individual Learning Plans, defining individual tasks and assignments and monitoring in real time the attainment of learning outcomes. You can access to this platform both via web as well as via mobile.
Each Unit of Learning belongs to one or more groups (Job roles, curricula, certifications) and can be also combined to further create new groups in the existing three categories.
Representation of Unit of Learning mapping system in the Skillman e-learning platform:
The Alliance maintains an on-going interaction and cooperation with ESCO Sectoral and Cross-Sectoral Reference Groups, providing feedback and information on skills, competencies, qualifications and occupations in Advanced Manufacturing for the Transport Sector. The delivery of educational programmes is based upon the reference framework promoted by EQAVET, its procedures and the 10 indicators for monitoring the quality and impact of TVET programmes. The Alliance is committed to cooperate and support the EQAVET working groups by embedding the Quality Assurance approach in line with the proposed requirement of EQAVET Label.
The use of the pedagogical resources is free. Any content can be copied and modified mentioning the source.
Skillman.eu was launched in 2014 and received the European Commission support in 2015 in the field of education and training. In its specific field of intervention it is currently became the largest EU multilateral network combining a solid knowledge of skills needs and training practices with a well organised systemic and sector-related information system.