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List of profiles of members of Skillman Network

There are 289 profiles shown in total

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Country: Bulgaria
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Lilyana SapunovaLilyana Sapunova
AKRO is a training organisation working throughout Bulgaria and internationally. Our mission is to enhance the career prospects of young people. Our programmes develop communication, team working, enterprise and other soft transferable skills. We promote inclusion and intercultural understanding. Working with schools and other education and training providers, we aim to add value to the ... Read more
Country: Italy
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Membership: Person, Gold
Contact person: Picture of Carla SabatiniCarla Sabatini
Carla Sabatini is a computer science graduate with more than 10 years of experience in managing European projects mainly focused on innovation and ICT issues, with an interest for adult education. Carla is one of the founding partners and manager of IT company Nkey, a recognised reality in IT and technology sector and in the training one. NKey is engaged in training projects dedicated to all ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: EducationEducation, TVETTVET, OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Membership: Person, Gold
Contact person: Picture of Carlo PanchettiCarlo Panchetti
Carlo is a volunteer of Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile, a non-profit based in San Miniato, Tuscany. Through the study of the complex interactions between the socio-economic and the ecological-territorial dimension as well as the activities of environmental education and scientific dissemination, FTS promotes sustainability by stimulating the integration of policies and the participation of ... Read more
Country: Morocco
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Abdelghani BakhachAbdelghani Bakhach
Cordoba Academy for training education and development (CATED) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-religious institution. It was established in Morocco to promote education and enhance employment opportunities for youth through appropriate training and skills building. Our mission CATED’s mission is to provide opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities from all over the ... Read more
Country: Tunisia
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Chahine MahfoudhChahine Mahfoudh
Inaugurated in 2017 and with a capacity of approximately 500 students, the CEMIA center offers training in 6 specialties on aircraft mechanics in addition to continuing training for the benefit of professionals. It will allow young people to gain access in two years to the Professional Technician's Certificate (BTP) and thus become fitters and assemblers of aircraft structures, aeronautical ... Read more
Country: Sweden
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Centre for Flexible Learning, CFL, is Söderhamn’s arena for adult learning. It is a public organization, within Hälsinglands Utbildnings-förbund. CFL offers flexible learning for individuals, businesses and organizations. CFL is also a meeting place and a study environment, open for everyone. Read more
Country: Tunisia
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Membership: Person, Gold
Contact person: Picture of Chahine MahfoudhChahine Mahfoudh
Agence Tunisienne de la Formation Professionnelle :DirectorMar 2019 - Present (4 years 5 months)Centre d'Excellence dans les Métiers de l'Industrie AéronautiqueTechnical Pedagogical InspectorJan 2017 - Present (6 years 7 months)Gouvernorat de Ben Arous, TunisiaAeronautical Technical TrainerJun 2009 - Feb 2019 (9 years 9 months)Centre d'Excellence dans les Métiers de l'industrie ... Read more
Country: Spain
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Terrassa Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a chamber of commerce located in the city of Terrassa in the country of Spain. Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
CIS È LA SCUOLA DI FORMAZIONE DI UNINDUSTRIA REGGIO EMILIA. CIS progetta, organizza e gestisce attività formative e di consulenza alle imprese, orienta e forma i giovani per favorire il loro accesso nel mercato del lavoro. Read more
Country: Greece
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Membership: Person, Gold
Contact person: Picture of Claudio SaurinClaudio Saurin
For over 10 years, I have been leading the development of physical products in an Agile manner. In my previous role, I led multiple teams in Agile development of over 50 industrial products with embedded automation software. I spearheaded the transition to this new approach by establishing a "Mini Agile Factory" comprising over 190 individuals.Within this context, I coordinated the Digital ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
L’obiettivo strategico centrale del Clust-ER Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile è quello di sostenere la transizione dell’economia regionale verso un sistema a ridotto impatto sull’ambiente e a minore dipendenza dalle fonti energetiche fossili, favorendo un approccio di tipo circolare indirizzato alla chiusura dei cicli. Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Il Clust-ER Meccatronica e Motoristica opera attraverso il contributo di 7 Value Chain, ovvero raggruppamenti di imprese, centri di ricerca, laboratori universitari e altri attori di sistema che convergono su tematiche fortemente specializzate:Digital and Advanced Manufacturing; Automazione e Robotica; Motori e veicoli sicuri, efficienti, sostenibili Materiali Avanzati per Motoristica e ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Secretariat .Secretariat .
L’Istituto di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara” (IFAC) è parte del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) il principale ente pubblico che persegue in Italia obiettivi di ricerca ed innovazione. IFAC conduce attività di ricerca, sviluppo sperimentale e trasferimento tecnologico in molte aree della Fisica Applicata e dell'ICT, come: SPAZIO, AEROSPAZIO e OSSERVAZIONE della TERRA SALUTE, ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Sreten KoceskiSreten Koceski
The Community Development Institute is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that works on improving of the living conditions and the standard of life of the citizens. The CDI’s experience is based on almost 23 years work within the community, addressing citizens’ problems and needs and helping in overcoming challenges. CDI provides workplace for marginalized and excluded people ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Il centro di competenza Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0 (CIM4.0) intende essere un supporto strategico e operativo per le imprese manifatturiere orientate alla digitalizzazione dei processi industriali nell’ottica dell’Industria 4.0 (dalla progettazione alla produzione, dall’R&D alla Supply chain, dalla sicurezza alla Blockchain). Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Aliona CurdogloAliona Curdoglo
Comrat State University (gag. Komrat Devlet Universiteti) is a multidisciplinary institution of higher education in Moldova, which operates in accordance with the Law of Education of the Republic of Moldova and coordinates its activities with the Ministry of Yo Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova. The university is located in the city of Comrat and is the legal successor ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
L'Associazione assume subito un ruolo di guida nel progresso economico e sociale del territorio, contribuendo concretamente allo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno, che, sotto la spinta di profonde trasformazioni, intraprende la strada della modernizzazione. Read more
Country: Spain
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Narcís BoschNarcís Bosch
General Council of Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia is the organization that federates allCahmbers of Commerce in our region. We are a public organizations ruled by a Parliament Law approved on 2002. Chambers of commerce in Catalonia have universal membership, that is, all businesses are members . The last census for the aggregate if all chambers was over 600.000 members. The main roles ... Read more
Country: Benin
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Membership: Person, Gold
Contact person: Cosme Zinsou OdjoCosme Zinsou Odjo
I am a TVET Researcher from Benin (West Africa). I’m interested in the renovation and improvement of the Africa TVET system, especially that of Benin. I am also a French and English Language Educator. TVET, online learning, curriculum development, lifelong learning, education science, educational management & leadership, language education, research methods, academic writing and apprenticeship ... Read more