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List of profiles of members of Skillman Network

There are 289 profiles shown in total

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Country: Spain
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
The Illa dels Banyols institute wants to be: An institute aimed at educational excellence based on a culture of quality and innovation, with the capacity to adapt, open and integrated into its socio-cultural and economic-industrial environment. An educational reference center with initiative and dynamism, which educates and trains people, sensitive to new technologies, recognized and perceived ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
INSTITUT INPRO, a.s. - is an educational and counseling organization that is mainly operating in vocational education and lifelong learning. Organization has been established in the 1971. From the year 1997 it is operating on the market in this form of ownership and it’s nationally well known. We employ 8 specialists as a permanent staff and in addition closely cooperate with more than 100 ... Read more
Country: Greece
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Kavazidou EleniKavazidou Eleni
INSR Short History Institute of Nutritional Studies & Research has been established in 2009 being activated in the era of Education, Research & Innovation. From its very beginning, INSR organizes several symposiums, tributes, info-days and short term training courses in benefit of health professionals and in relation to health, diet, clinical dietics, eating behavior, fitness and sports ... Read more
Country: Greece
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Kavazidou EleniKavazidou Eleni
INSR Short History Institute of Nutritional Studies & Research has been established in 2009 being activated in the era of Education, Research & Innovation. From its very beginning, INSR organizes several symposiums, tributes, info-days and short term training courses in benefit of health professionals and in relation to health, diet, clinical dietics, eating behavior, fitness and sports ... Read more
Country: Greece
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Kavazidou EleniKavazidou Eleni
INSTITUTE OF NUTRITIONAL STUDIES & RESEARCH Aspirations To inform the public and mobilize scientific groups from the field of nutrition and health. Goals Our goal is to improve the nutritional habits and health of the general population in Greece and Europe. Purpose of I.D.M.E. is to contribute to public health prevention but also to the development of Nutrition and Health strategies ... Read more
Country: Pakistan
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
“Institute of Rural Management (IRM), established in 1993, is the leading capacity development and learning facility in the not-for-profit sector in Pakistan IRM is a part of Rural Support Programme (RSP). It is committed towards building the capacity and strengthening the efficacy and effectiveness of members of rural communities and professionals for unlocking their true human, social and ... Read more
Country: Ukraine
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Oleksandra  BorodiyenkoOleksandra Borodiyenko
The aim of the Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the NAPS of Ukraine is to ensure the development of national education and science system, implementation of methodological, theoretical support for vocational education and training based on socio-economic transformation and needs of Ukrainian society in the innovative development of the country and professional development of ... Read more
Country: Spain
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
INFODEF, Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training, is a private and independent center for Research, Development and Innovation. We design innovative tools, methodologies, products and services that respond to current social and economic challenges and enable to anticipate and drive the changes needed to achieve future goals and objectives in society Read more
Country: United Kingdom
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Migle  SerelyteMigle Serelyte
In cooperation with European partners and local host companies from Belfast and Glasgow, Intern Europe fully organises VET mobility programs as a part of a cultural, work, and language experience. Willing to engage with intermediaries, chambers of commerce, VET institutions, NGOs, and municipalities to develop grant-funded mobility projects. We are your specialists in European Mobility ... Read more
Country: Spain
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Maria VicenteMaria Vicente
Intern Xperience is a VET provider that manages traineeships, internships and workplacement programmes in real companies for VET students and staff who wish to improve their spanish language skills, increase their education and get closer to the possibility of joining an international professional future. This organization can cover internships in the next sectors: administration & marketing; ... Read more
Country: Bulgaria
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Ivan TinevIvan Tinev
We create a sustainable environment for the development of young people in the field of development and implementation of European projects. Education and training are essential for the development of young people, and that is why the main objective of the ICDET is to provide many opportunities for acquiring the experience, skills and qualities necessary for the development of young people ... Read more
Country: Bulgaria
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Varna University of Management (VUM – former International University College – Albena) is an international business school located in Europe, Bulgaria. Students from over 40 countries receive excellent education in Business and Marketing, IT, Computer Sciences, Tourism and Hospitality Management and Gastronomy and Culinary Arts. Read more
Country: Bulgaria
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Kostadinka TodorovaKostadinka Todorova
Association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” (IIC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 2003. The association is working on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, having its head office in the town of Razlog. The mission of the association is to develop and build up the capacity of the civil society through designing and implementing different ... Read more
Country: Turkey
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
İstanbul Avrupa Araştırmaları Derneği (IAAD) aims at contributing in initiatives driven by radical vision of science-enabled technologies aiming at generating more Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies. IAAD is a leading research and technology organisation at the interface between the scientific field, the civil society, and a series of economic sectors, driven by R&D, education and ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Le attività dell'Istituto non si esauriscono agli allievi sordi: come previsto dallo Statuto fin dall'origine, vengono organizzati per docenti, educatori, genitori e operatori socio-sanitari corsi di formazione e aggiornamento, convegni, seminari, pubblicazioni. In quest'ottica l'Istituto si propone di divenire, oltre ad un centro di erogazione di servizi, anche un importante luogo di pensiero,... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Istituto Statale di Istruzione Tecnica Read more
Country: Spain
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
ITAINNOVA, centro tecnologico annesso al Dipartimento di Scienze, Università e Società della Conoscenza del governo di Aragona , la cui missione è contribuire allo sviluppo tecnologico delle imprese e aumentarne la competitività Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Ministero dell'Istruzione Italiana Read more
Country: Germany
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
ITKAM – Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Germania è un’associazione autofinanziata e registrata di imprese per le imprese, volta all’incremento delle relazioni economiche e della cooperazione commerciale tra Italia e Germania. Read more