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List of profiles of members of Skillman Network

There are 491 profiles shown in total

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Country: Denmark
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Claus KristensenClaus Kristensen
Introduction Read more
Country: Bulgaria
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Miroslav IvanovMiroslav Ivanov
CNSR is independent non-government organization of young scholars which is build and works under the principals of equality, mutual respect and regards, without discriminating people because of their religion, ethnical or races differences. Our organization works to achieve the following goals: 1. To achieve better cohesion between European, government, municipal institutions and the ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
CENTOFORM, set up in 2001, is a Vocational and Education Training Centre (VET) recognized with Quality Accreditation on training by Emilia Romagna Region, Italy, a region characterized by a strong dynamic economy with a sectoral focus on Mechanical engineering and important university research networks. During 15 years of activity the VET Centre created an operative multiregional and ... Read more
Country: Tunisia
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Chahine MahfoudhChahine Mahfoudh
Inaugurated in 2017 and with a capacity of approximately 500 students, the CEMIA center offers training in 6 specialties on aircraft mechanics in addition to continuing training for the benefit of professionals. It will allow young people to gain access in two years to the Professional Technician's Certificate (BTP) and thus become fitters and assemblers of aircraft structures, aeronautical ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Vitali BurlacaVitali Burlaca
2002 - the first regional Forum of NGOs with participation of 60 NGOs; 2003 - the second Forum of NGOs, participants from 90 NGOs. 2004 - 2006 - ongoing trainings and seminars in the framework of "Community Development” and "Associative Sector Development" projects. As a result – more than 80 NGOs from South of Moldova were trained. 2004 -15 seminars and 4 round tables for establishment of ... Read more
Country: Italy
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Secretariat .Secretariat .
The mission of CRF lies in three main goals: ​To develop innovative power units, vehicle systems, materials, methods and processes to improve the competitiveness of FCA products. To represent FCA as part of European and national collaborative research, taking part in pre-competitive research projects and promoting the development of a network of contacts and partnerships on an international... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Secretariat .Secretariat .
CSCS is a vocational training provider, active in the field of research on labour market and pedagogic innovation, as well as in the promotion of transnational cooperation on technical education and training. CSCS is accredited training centre by Regional Government providing initial vocational training, continuous training for businesses, vocational guidance and orientation and apprenticeship ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Secretariat .Secretariat .
CEPAS, an Italian non-profit association, is involved in the process of certification of personnel according to International Standard ISO/IEC 17024 /2012 and in qualification of training courses. CEPAS was founded in 1995 by public and private organizations. Among its founding members there are Confindustria Innovative Services and Technological, ALPI, ANCIS, ANGQ and among its members of ... Read more
Country: Sweden
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Centre for Flexible Learning, CFL, is Söderhamn’s arena for adult learning. It is a public organization, within Hälsinglands Utbildnings-förbund. CFL offers flexible learning for individuals, businesses and organizations. CFL is also a meeting place and a study environment, open for everyone. Read more
Country: Bulgaria
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Secretariat .Secretariat .
• To train in new skills youth workers, community leaders, young entrepreneurs; • To underline the importance of innovations in the field of entrepreneurship; • To enflame the entrepreneurial spirit in the young people; • To exchange good practice of youth education; • To encourage exchange between the participants in innovative skills and modern methods of work; • To exchange good practices ... Read more
Country: Spain
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Terrassa Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a chamber of commerce located in the city of Terrassa in the country of Spain. Read more
Country: Kenya
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of FELIX KULEIFELIX KULEI
CHEFO TIVET COLLEGE is a private technical institution in Kenya. It was established in 2017 with a primary objective of providing hands-on vocational training in various applied and industrial sciences to meet the need for professional manpower resources. CHETICO offers a wide range of technical courses to prepare students for work and also further education. CHETICO has three (3) ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Marcelino FernandoMarcelino Fernando
Introduction Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
CIS È LA SCUOLA DI FORMAZIONE DI UNINDUSTRIA REGGIO EMILIA. CIS progetta, organizza e gestisce attività formative e di consulenza alle imprese, orienta e forma i giovani per favorire il loro accesso nel mercato del lavoro. Read more
Country: Greece
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
L’obiettivo strategico centrale del Clust-ER Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile è quello di sostenere la transizione dell’economia regionale verso un sistema a ridotto impatto sull’ambiente e a minore dipendenza dalle fonti energetiche fossili, favorendo un approccio di tipo circolare indirizzato alla chiusura dei cicli. Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Il Clust-ER Meccatronica e Motoristica opera attraverso il contributo di 7 Value Chain, ovvero raggruppamenti di imprese, centri di ricerca, laboratori universitari e altri attori di sistema che convergono su tematiche fortemente specializzate:Digital and Advanced Manufacturing; Automazione e Robotica; Motori e veicoli sicuri, efficienti, sostenibili Materiali Avanzati per Motoristica e ... Read more
Country: Italy
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Secretariat .Secretariat .
L’Istituto di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara” (IFAC) è parte del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) il principale ente pubblico che persegue in Italia obiettivi di ricerca ed innovazione. IFAC conduce attività di ricerca, sviluppo sperimentale e trasferimento tecnologico in molte aree della Fisica Applicata e dell'ICT, come: SPAZIO, AEROSPAZIO e OSSERVAZIONE della TERRA SALUTE, ... Read more
Country: United Kingdom
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of Shane StewardShane Steward
We are a Technical Vocational college that deliver Engineering and Manufacturing in the following disciples ranging from L1 to L5: Mechanical and Manufacturing Welding and Fabrication Electronics and Electrical Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance Read more
Country: United Kingdom
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Contact person: Picture of
Coleg Cambria is one of the highest performing colleges in Wales, rated Excellent by Estyn. Across its six sites in North East Wales, Coleg Cambria offers a huge range of full-time and part-time courses including A Levels, GCSEs, BTECs, Welsh for Adults and Higher Education. Working in partnership with over 1,000 employers, the college also offers vast apprenticeship and traineeship ... Read more