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Exceltic S.L.

Member profile title: Exceltic S.L.
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Address: MADRID, Madrid, Calle Hermanos Garcia Noblejas 41 PISO 1º
Contact person: Picture of Exceltic S.L.Exceltic S.L.

We are a consolidated engineering and consulting company at a European level that provides engineering services (civil, electronic, mechanic among others) and Information Technology & Telecommunications. Although our projects are developed in five continents, we have physical offices in Madrid, Barcelona and ​Bilbao. 

 One of our strengths is the diversification: we are able to offer solutions adapted to the different sectors: Transport, Energy, Industrial sector, Pharmaceutical or the sector of Information Technologies among others. For Exceltic excellence means continuous improvement, flexibility, adaptability and customer orientation, allowing the construction of lasting relationships based on trust and transparency.

Roster DB information
Mobility options: Receiving organisation
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): Yes
Languages spoken: Czech / Čeština ‎(cs)‎, English ‎(en)‎, Slovak / Slovenčina ‎(sk)‎, Spanish (international) / Español - Internacional ‎(es)‎

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