The higher education, research and international cooperation work carried out by the Chair is centered on "The Historical Challenge of the Planetary Civilization", which is the title of its new UNESCO-approved general project for the four year period 2017-2021.
The subtitle defines the field of research and the transdisciplinary character: “Towards the Earth's Humanism. In search of the 'co-science' and 'co-growth' beyond the violence”, which are articulated into three macro-programs: The Complex Research, The Earth Citizenship, The Care of the Common House.
These themes are investigated through specific projects, carried out through a network of the territories-laboratories of experimentation, modelling, transfer and international diffusion. The entire work of the Chair refers to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, in conjunction with the UNESCO Priority Actions.
The Chair, directed since 2006 by Paolo Orefice, professor Emeritus of General and Social Pedagogy, is among the few transdisciplinary ones within the UNITWIN Program to deal with human development in coherence with the culture of peace from the point of view of the education of human beings. This is attained through focus groups, human development models and a peace culture that have been elaborated and tested in more than a decade of international cooperation, based on the long-standing scientific, theoretical and applied experience of its director.
The Chair operates based on the Participatory Action Research on the fundamental interaction between the intangible development of the knowledge base of people, groups and cultures and the tangible development of anthropic territories. Hence the priority is given to the educational enhancement of knowledge in planetary coexistence beyond the logic of opposites that generates violence.
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
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