ACR+ is an international network of cities and regions sharing the aim of promoting sustainable resource management and accelerating the transition towards a circular economy on their territories and beyond.
Circular economy calling for cooperation between all actors, ACR+ is open to other key players in the field of material resource management such as NGOs, academic institutions, consultancy, or private organizations.
Our mission
- to contribute on a European and international level to waste prevention and to the ecologically and economically rational waste management and thus to enhance sustainable development;
- to contribute to close the cycle of primary and secondary raw materials (resources, products, waste) notably through the promotion of resource savings and a more equitable distribution;
- to advocate for the transition from a chain economy to a circular economy as the way towards resource efficiency;
- to create and maintain a network for exchanging information on prevention, selective collection, and recycling of waste in urban environments;
- to encourage the harmonization of concepts, definitions and standards in the domain of waste, products and resources;
- to promote the creation of multi-stakeholder partnerships;
- to develop the expertise and skills of public authorities in effective waste-product-resource policies;
- to encourage practical action in waste management and sustainable consumption.
The activities of the network are determined by its members’ needs and priorities.
The key activities include
facilitating the exchange of experiences between members, sharing technical and policy information, and livening up the network.
To strengthen the knowledge and capacities of the network and push forward innovation in the field of material resource management, ACR+ is also involved in
several projects at the European level and in the Mediterranean region, in cooperation with its members.