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Member profile title: CENTOFORM SRL
Category: EducationEducation
Role(s) in Skillman Network: No RoleNo Role
Address: Emilia-Romagna, Cento, Via Nino Bixio, 11
CENTOFORM, set up in 2001, is a Vocational and Education Training Centre (VET) recognized with Quality Accreditation on training by Emilia Romagna Region, Italy, a region characterized by a strong dynamic economy with a sectoral focus on Mechanical engineering and important university research networks. During 15 years of activity the VET Centre created an operative multiregional and international network with SMEs, public institutions, VET schools, social partners, universities and R&D centres. It is partner of Confindustria, the main Italian industrial association, and it works in collaboration with representatives and clusters of productive sectors at national and European level. We operate in 2 Italian regions: Emilia Romagna (Northern competitiveness region) and Apulia Region (Southern convergence region). The staff (25 employees and 15 external professionals) is composed of VET senior project managers, administrative staff, senior and junior consultants with expertise in training, career guidance, tutorship in apprenticeships, research, management and financial reporting of Italian, European and international funds and projects. Centoform designs and manage training programmes for unemployed and employed people working on ESF regional funds and interprofessional funds. We deliver Post Secondary Level training with 30% of Work Based Learning (WBL). Centoform also deals with apprenticeship-related projects for young people and other forms of incompany training since several years. In the years 2007-2018 a total of 2.168 apprentices and 425 trainees were involved. Since 2016 we are an official member of EAfA – European Alliance for Apprenticeships. We work on the development of WBL and Dual System in VET and schools through the coordination of a local network of schools and companies applying WBL as learning approach to education. We are involved as applicant and partner in four Erasmus+ KA2 VET Strategic Partnerships projects running from 2015 to 2019, either on Innovation in VET and Exchange of good practices.
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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