Senior expert on management of VET, Employment, regional development policies. Past experience as Director of Department for VET and Employment Centres. Currently at a Regional Government, supporting policies on:
- Active Employment Policies for the regional territory;
- Digital Skills Agenda, Smart Specialisation Strategy, Social Innovation;
- Informative systems and Labour Market Intelligence Systems in Public Employment Centres.
- International Projects for transnational mobility (i.e. as Regional Line Manager Eures System, Erasmus+ coordinator, INTERREG projects, etc.) and exchange of good practices (with ETF, European Commission, etc.);
- Management of Industrial collective layoffs.
Strong analytical skills, attitude to strategic thinking, long experience as negotiator in collective / bilateral consultations. International collaborations on VET and LM policies in European and Extraeuropean countries: e.g. Maroc, Tunisia, Azerbaijan. I publish essays on the future of work and impact of automation, robotics, artificial intelligence on current employment. Accredited in the national register of Indepentent Evaluators - OIV. PostDoc on Public Management at the University of Bologna; Master for Data Protection Officer. Main specialties: strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation; Public Law and European public procurements; European programmes management; Government liaison and negotiation with stakeholders and social partners; socio-economic research.
Awards: National Quality Award at the 2008 edition of the National Forum of Public Admimistrations.
I am available pro-bono for personal guidance on job-seeking and VET choices.
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken: