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Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Member profile title: Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: Official MemberOfficial Member
Address: Kyiv, Kyiv, 03045 Vito-Litovskiy Line, 98a, Kiev, Ukraine
Contact person: Picture of Oleksandra BorodiyenkoOleksandra Borodiyenko
The aim of the Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the NAPS of Ukraine is to ensure the development of national education and science system, implementation of methodological, theoretical support for vocational education and training based on socio-economic transformation and needs of Ukrainian society in the innovative development of the country and professional development of individuals. Scientific activity of the Institute is carried out in 6 scientific laboratories, in which 44 scientific staff work. Of these, there are two real members (academician) of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 11 doctors of sciences, 23 candidates of sciences (seven professors, eight senior lecturers, six senior researchers). Main tasks of the Institute are: -Implementation of fundamental, applied researches, scientific and technical (experimental) development, implementation of state programs aimed at solving urgent theoretical, methodological and practical issues of pedagogy and vocational education and training, international projects and contractual issues; - Conducting scientific expertise of legislative acts, legal documents, educational innovation, software manuals, textbooks, other educational materials in the field of vocational education and training; pedagogical forecasting; preparation of scientific guidelines and implementation of scientific and educational research in educational and social activities; - The implementation of the experimental activities on various issues of educational practices, organization and coordination of experimental educational institutions, author schools, educational sites. Creating a network of scientific, practical, scientific and educational centers, branches etc. in accordance to established procedure; - Activity in scientific and educational field to familiarize the general public with the results of research in the field of vocational education and training. The scientific activity of the Institute provides for constant cooperation with the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Science and Education, the Department and the State Directorate of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Association of Employees of the VET of Ukraine, unions of employers, educational (scientific) methodological centers (cabinets) of vocational education institutions of Ukraine in order to ensure wide introduction of the results of research work in the activities of VET schools.
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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