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Member profile title: Julienne MUKABUCYANA
Role(s) in Skillman Network: International BoardInternational Board, National BoardNational Board
Membership: Person, Gold
Address: Occitanie, Toulouse, Rue du Poids de l'Huile, 8
Contact person: Picture of Julienne MUKABUCYANAJulienne MUKABUCYANA

Julienne Mukabucyana is an accomplished professional with a diverse background in the field of international development. With a wealth of experience working for prestigious international NGOs in Kenya, Julienne has honed her skills and expertise in various areas.

Currently, Julienne serves as the Coordinator of Skillman France, where she plays a pivotal role in promoting skill development and fostering partnerships within the industry. Her strong consultancy experience has enabled her to effectively contribute to the growth and success of the organization.

Julienne is driven by a genuine and natural passion for people, and she consistently strives to achieve and maintain high-quality standards in both her personal and professional life. Her dedication to making a positive impact is evident in her role as a Municipal Councilor at the City of Toulouse and Toulouse Métropole. In this position, she actively engages in local solidarity initiatives and oversees the management of international humanitarian crises.

With her diverse skill set, deep understanding of development issues, and commitment to excellence, Julienne Mukabucyana is an invaluable asset to any organization or project she is involved in. Her extensive experience and leadership qualities make her a trusted professional capable of driving meaningful change and achieving sustainable outcomes.

Roster DB information
Mobility options: Receiving organisation
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken: English ‎(en)‎, French / Français ‎(fr)‎, Kinyarwanda / Kinyarwanda ‎(rw)‎, Swahili / Kiswahili ‎(sw)‎

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