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Militos Consulting S.A.

Member profile title: Militos Consulting S.A.
Role(s) in Skillman Network: Official MemberOfficial Member
Address: athens, athens, Acharnon 335
Contact person: Picture of Christina FrentzouChristina Frentzou
Militos Consulting S.A. is a unique, dynamic and innovative 360° consultancy firm, with a strong European profile, international experience and many distinctions in the provision of integrated and groundbreaking consultancy services in a wide spectrum of fields, including 360° Information and Awareness Measures, Campaigning and Event Management, Culture, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vocational Education and Training (VET), Skills Empowerment, Employment, etc. With a track record of 56 EU-funded projects, as leader or partner, Militos has sound experience in project management of large-scale and complex projects as well as in depth understanding of European policies. An expert in education and VET, mentoring, business consulting, entrepreneurial education and skills empowerment, the development of transversal skills and train-the-trainer methodologies, interactive e-learning tools and mobile applications, entrepreneurial networks/platforms and immersive games, Militos is currently implementing more than 20 related European projects on skills development while some of its past projects have been officially recognised as best practices: Business Mentors (coordinated by Militos), LadybizIT and Mumpreneurs on women entrepreneurs empowerment and Farm inc. on marketing of agricultural products. Militos holds extensive experience and expertise in mobilising communities, building and activating networks, designing, managing and implementing demanding events and large-scale campaigns. Militos is well known for the smart, inventive, high aesthetic and quality material it produces, including logos, leaflets, banners, website mockups, vortals, videolands, online games, teasers for social media, interactive blogs, being the first choice as Communication and Dissemination Consultant for enterprises and (European) bodies, such as the European Commission Representation in Greece (Exclusive Communication & Campaigning Consultant), European Parliament Information Office in Greece (External Consultant), European Commission Standard Eurobarometer for Greece (National Editor), DG Enterprise and Industry (Intermediary Organisation for ERASMUS Young Entrepreneurs & Coordinator of the European Network of Mentors for Women Entrepreneurs); Embassies (Embassy of Azerbaijan in Greece for its cultural programme); NGOs (Coeurs pour Tous Hellas for children with congenital heart disease, Branding Heritage, International Association to Save Tyre, Library for all). Overall, within the last 6 years, Militos has organised more than 170 multidimensional events and dissemination actions with more than 50.000 participants, having received many distinctions for the quality of its services, the innovative content, the influence, efficiency and impact of its communication activities, including 2 european awards (DG AGRI), ie. the Special Public CAP Award for the widest outreach in Europe (1st place) and the Award for Innovative Communication in the EU CAP (3rd place) for the LLP project farmsup! on the promotion of agro-entrepreneurship. Militos recently ran a municipal campaign of the Greek City of Vrilissia (Attica) on compost, raising awareness of citizens as well as school students with information and action activities all over the municipality. Militos has also been the technical and communication consultant of the Greek City of Larissa (Thessaly) for its bid for European Capital of Culture 2021, implementing a wide range of community building and communication activities. Militos excelled as National Coordinator in Greece of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED), the world’s largest movement for women innovators and job creators, established in 2014 by the United Nations, in partnership with the United States Department of the Interior, empowering 250 million women and launching start-ups in 144 countries worldwide. In 2015, Militos was also heavily involved in the support and promotion of social entrepreneurship. Running the project “Enterprising Socially” of the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency of the City of Athens, Militos provided consultancy services, tools and mentoring to 40 social enterprises, assisting them in elaborating a detailed and sound business plan. Having formed "the downtown cluster", a powerful entrepreneurial ecosystem of collective wisdom with Social Enterprise knowl for Education and Lifelong Learning, Militos is actively supporting the implementation of the awarded (Education Business Awards 2016) pioneer “Mellon-Skills Accelerator” project in the region of Attica, Greece for personalized skills empowerment of unemployed and NEETs with the aim to secure their entry and stay in the labour market. Militos supports social initiatives as part of its CSR, including NGOs Branding Heritage on culture through contemporary design, Coeurs pour Tous Hellas for children with congenital heart disease and Library4all donating 46.000+ children’s book to 700+ schools with limited resources.
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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