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Paulo Resende da Silva

Member profile title: Paulo Resende da Silva
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: Official MemberOfficial Member
Address: Évora District, Evora, R. do Lagar do Cêbo 10
Contact person: Picture of Paulo  Resende da SilvaPaulo Resende da Silva
Professor and researcher; research topics: digital transformation, change management, information management, knowledge management. Director do Departamento de Gestão da Escola de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Évora Head of Management Department, Social Science Shool, University of Évora Coordinator in Portugal/Researcher in Project: Strategic Human Resources Management for Southeast Asian Universities (HR4ASIA) - 2017/2019. Erasmus+ Team member: Empowering and Networking the International Relationships Offices of the Libyan University System (ENROL) - 2015/2017. Erasmus+
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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