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Syed Abdul Aziz

Member profile title: Syed Abdul Aziz
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: Official MemberOfficial Member
Membership: Person, Gold
Address: Khulna Division, Jashore, Principal, Jashore Technical School and College, Zhumzhumpur, Jashore Sadar, Jashore-7400
Contact person: Picture of Syed AzizSyed Aziz
Working as an TVET Expert, Manager and holding Principal post under the Ministry of Education for more than 16 years and serving 4 different TVET institutes in Bangladesh. Working as a TVET Teacher since 1988. Worked as a master trainer in different TOT (Training of Trainers) Organize national and international seminars on TVET Participated as a resource person in different conference/seminars in home and abroad Working for Industry Institute integration and successfully run many partnership models Strengthening Institutional Capacity with local resource and recurring budgets and new model development for transforming TVET institute as Centre of Excellence through local initiatives Practicing Space Technology and Teaching Factory Concept within institutional limitations. Worked for Quality Assurance system and awarded as a regional accreditation from the Asia Pacific Accreditation Certification Commission (APACC), CPSC, Manila. Nationally Awarded by the Ministry of Education Bangladesh as the Best Principal for 2 times (2018 &2019)
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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