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Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization

Member profile title: Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: Official MemberOfficial Member
Address: undefined, undefined, Cannot determine address at this location.
Contact person: Picture of Bob Turyatunga MaaheBob Turyatunga Maahe
Its a Non- governmental organization established with following ideologies Vision: To accelerate, transform and stimulate a broad based economic developed nation. Mission: UYSTO seeks to contribute to the improvement of youth’s and women’s lives through school, community-based education and other innovative ventures for sustainable development. Objectives:
  • Equipping the youth with vocational and technical skills.
  • Contributing towards environmental conservation
  • Provision of financial, materials and moral support to vulnerable groups.
Directions: Advocating for improved infrastructure of vocational training within the Ugandan Educational system. Facilitating access to vocational training by providing training to youth in and out of school. Increasing international awareness and collaborating with companies and organizations that socially and economically want to invest, improve and empower young people’s and women lives for attaining sustainable development in Uganda.  
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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