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University for Business and Technology - UBT

Member profile title: University for Business and Technology - UBT
Category: OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: Official MemberOfficial Member
Address: prishtina, prishtina, Lagjja Kalabria
Contact person: Picture of edmond hajriziedmond hajrizi
UBT was established in Prishtina, Kosovo in 2001 as IEME – Institute for Enterprise Management and Engineering and in October 2004 has become the name UBT – University for Business and Technology. UBT holds the license of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) No.808/02-1 dated 18.10.2004 in Kosovo and it is Accredited by Kosovo Accreditation Agency – the National Body for Accr3ditation. UBT is a leading and largest Institution in Kosovo for professional STEM based education in different levels: Professional Diploma. Professional Degree, Professional Certificate and Life Long Learning in more than 100 subjects. UBT offers a dynamic and innovative 21 century academic environment. UBT provides a supportive and challenging opportunity for the students, faculty and staff in participatory and self-governance setting. Building on a tradition of teamwork between Students, faculty, staff and administrators, UBT is committed to enhance its participation as an active member of community by providing learning opportunities driven by teaching and research excellence, intellectual interaction and creativity. UBT is a preeminent center of intellectual and cultural activity in Kosovo, improving the region’s quality of life through the skills, knowledge, experience and engagement of its faculty, staff, students and alumni The UBT will be a modern and leading higher education institution in Kosovo, committed to apply excellence in teaching, learning and research within an inclusive student-centered environment through applying a multi-disciplinary approach that will contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of Kosovo and beyond There are certain core values at UBT
  • Sought after place to study and work
  • Dynamic environment that promotes personal and professional development
  • Reference point that disseminates international best practices and quality standards
  • Centre that rewards excellence in learning, teaching, research and innovation
  • Actions driven by the agreed benefits of all our stakeholders and community
UBT Strategic Goals
  • Transdisciplinary = Cross Disciplines and Internationalization
  • Leadership and Innovation
  • Resilience, Sustainable Development, Small Scale Ecosystem
  • Achieving Academic, Business and Governance Excellence
  • Maintaining and increasing Internationalization and regional partnerships
  • Creating Positive Living, Working and Learning Environment
  • Partnership with the Community – Co-Creator
  • Research based Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility
Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken:

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