Youth without Borders Association is an independent non-profit organization founded in 2011 by a group of Youth and for Youth, which aim to develop associative culture, the spirit of peace, volunteering, participation and Citizenship among young people.
YWB work to initiate the different categories of people, especially youth and women, to the democratic exercise, through a better participation in the public, political and civic life in order to build a better future for Youth. Three major axes work : Election Observation/Electoral education, youth engagement and civic participation, peace and encountering Violence Extremism, leadership trainings and capacity building for women and youth.
YWB work on national and regional level through partnership with several civil society actors on national and international level.
The objective of YWB organization are :
- The contribution to the spread of a culture of peace, dialogue, volunteering, initiative; and openness towards plurality and diversity.
- The contribution to the development and the consolidation of the values of engagement and active citizenship, and fostering universal identity among youth.
- Consolidation and the contribution to Gender Equity and women empowerment.
- The contribution to the promotion of democratic and transparent Elections through monitoring and awareness-raising programs and trainings.
- Collaborating with CSOs for the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and SDG’s achievement.
- The contribution to the youth awareness in order to preserve and protect private and public properties.
- Organization of trainings, seminars, workshops, camps, and activities; seeking youth integration in the civil society, and identification of their issues and ambitions.
- The organization of think tank activities and the publication of researches and studies in multitude domains (youth advocacy, women empowerment, education, human rights, development, health related issues, environment, SDGs, sports ...).