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Pablo Jose Garcia Sempere

Member profile title: Pablo Jose Garcia Sempere
Category: EducationEducation, OtherOther
Role(s) in Skillman Network: International ExpertInternational Expert
Membership: Person, Gold
Address: Andalucía, Granada, Faculta de Ciencias de la Educación, Calle Profesor Vicente Callao,

Pablo García Sempere is Assistant Professor at the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Granada. He is a member of the research group HUM672: AREA. Analysis of the Educational Reality (AREA), Physical Education Teacher, Degree in Psychopedagogy and Doctor with European mention, within the doctoral program "Applied Creativity" of the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Granada. He has been assistant lecturer in subjects of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education and director of final degree projects at the International University of La Rioja. He has been a guest lecturer at the Technical University of Manabí in Ecuador. He has also taught numerous courses and seminars for the training of university teachers in the use of ICT and in the production of digital educational materials for the University of Granada. She has participated in several research projects:I+D+I of the state program for the promotion of scientific and technical research of excellence EDU 2017-85269R; I+D+I of the CEI BioTic of the University of Granada: and in university teaching innovation projects. He has published in peer-reviewed and non-indexed indexed journals. He is author and coordinator of several books and book chapters. He has been Editor of the Scientific Electronic Journal Teaching and Creativity and member of the management team of the Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers. He has actively participated in relevant international scientific congresses as coordinator, secretary and member of the scientific and organizing councils. He has received research grants and carried out research stays in EU member states. In relation to work experience, in the field of non-university education, he has worked from 2003 to 2021 as a civil servant teacher in the Ministry of Education of the Andalusian Regional Government in different centres that have the consideration of high difficulty; holding positions as a teacher tutor, physical education specialist, teacher of educational compensation; therapist in the specific special education centre. I have also worked in rural schools and in permanent education. He has developed cycle coordinations and has been head of studies for several years. He has coordinated and participated in numerous projects of educational innovation, research, working groups, educational programs, all of them funded by the Junta de Andalucía. He has also participated as a speaker to train teachers in the use of ICT for educational improvement.

Roster DB information
Mobility options: None
TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training): No
Languages spoken: English ‎(en)‎, French / Français ‎(fr)‎, Spanish (international) / Español - Internacional ‎(es)‎

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